Saturday, June 11, 2011

Third day's a charm!

I am simply blown away by the incredibly diverse group of men and women I am surrounded by. The different journeys that we have all experienced have, for some reason, brought us to this moment in history together, and for that I am grateful.

I got to skype with my two besties today which was a great break in the monotony of quiet that occurred this evening. See, I got all of my homework done by the second hour of the afternoon, and while that seems like a good idea in theory, it really means that when I am ready to hang out and build relationships, everyone else is studying. I have come to some realizations already:

1. Being first done at everything may have garnered a small amount of notoriety at the community college level, but here it just means long stretches of silence and lonely.

2. Thank goodness for the internet, right?

3. The internet is boring, unless you are a pervert or a gamer.

4. I don't want to be a pervert, and I am not coordinated enough to be a gamer.

5. Recovery isn't just limited to those who identify with the Community. It is a process that we all go through as we refine ourselves and define our purpose on this earth.

6. I am not sure that we will ever transplant to another planet, but if we do, I am riding in Gemma Dugan's spaceship.

7. It's hard to fit in when everyone is reeling and you (for the first time) have all of your proverbial ducks in a row.

8. The squirrels here really do deserve their own facebook page. (if you are reading this, accept me already, wouldja??)

9. For someone who has 13,000 songs in iTunes, I have a very limited taste in music.

10. I miss doing laundry.

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